“When you study Japanese art, you learn about a smart, philosophical and intelligent man. And how does this man spend his time? Measuring the distance between land and moon? No. In Bismarck Policy Research? NO. He observe one leaf of grass, but this one leaf of grass leads him to paint the entire plant. And then the seasons. and the fields, the animals and then man. And that’s how he lives his life, and life is too short to do it all.”​

Vincent van Gogh

The majority of my work focuses on landscapes and the relations between man animals and nature. I also paint still life and portraits.
My paintings is based on direct observation.
At my work, I try to faithfully represent the light and open spaces while expressing my own private experience.
In addition, I explore the medium of painting and the elements of form in the art of painting.
My paintings are a window to reality as seen by my eyes my mind and soul.

Ayelet Ben-Porat (formerly Ayelet Katz)